I have no comment for today’s strip, so instead here’s some Commentary!

I’m fairly certain I’ve said this before, but I’ll just be a broken record about it: One problem with doing a strip that isn’t solely focused on any one character or small group of characters, and isn’t daily, is that it’s hard to really portray what’s going on in all the characters’ lives. Some characters don’t need much exposure- Mike and Alice’s lives are pretty much consumed by their job at Nerd Alert with occasional strolls outside of the store. Shana is an alcoholic, nymphomanic doctor. Francis and Cleo work at Hot Topic Lukewarm Subject.

But then there are the more intimately storied characters, like the Flour family (and Jam). Kate entered college last year but I haven’t really displayed any of her time there, or what exactly she’s studying. I hope to remedy that, but other plots are always getting in the way. This is a huge part of why I froze all the characters’ aging at the beginning of this year, it lets me keep them where they are so that I can tell their little stories when I can get to them.

But now we at least know something that Kate is studying- Psychology, the study of studying studies that study students’ subjects of study.